Saturday, January 2, 2010

Dear world wide entangled web,

At the urge of many...fine, two people (including myself) I have decided to start my own blog!
Yay! Here's what the web needs, another lonely boy! Doesn't matter. This is a different kind of lonely boy. One surrounded by many people. One who is disconnected from those people and has more fun watching TV and movies, reading books, and beeing a foodie. This lonely boy is also a scientist, one whose motto is "Geek out! Le Geek, C'est Chic !"

My inspiraton for this blog was the "Julie & Julia" movie, which I just finished screening. Julie & Julia tells the story of Julie Powell and how her blog, "The Julie/Julia Project," turned her life around. Julie is an aspiring writer suffering from never finishing a project. She decides to cook through Julia Child's cookbook, "Mastering the Art of French Cooking," in one year and blog about the experience at the same time. This challenge proves to be an excercise in self application and takes its toll on her marriage and work. However, it inspiringly changes her life around and this little blog-that-could propels Julie's career. The movie also explores the early beginings of Julia Child's career and how her struggles mirror those of Julie, albeit in a different time-line. It's a two-movies-in-one combo! These two stories, however, truely complement each other. The loose end in the movie is Julia Child's opinion about Julie. They never met (Julia Child passed away in 2004), however, a reporter insinuates that Julia didn't actually like Julie's blog. This of course may have been pure hearsay and the reporter's attempt at obtaining some negative comments from Julie, something she wisely avoids. So it left me with this feeling of: ah I wish that we knew how Julia truely felt about the blog or that Julie and Julia had met. However, the movie is based on real-life events, so it was no fault of the movie-makers. Meryl Streep was, as usual, formidable as the legendary Julia Child. Alright, if you're a typical guy's guy you won't like this movie. But if you enjoy good acting and an inspiring story (that has no poop jokes, full nudity, guns, explosions or fist fights) every now and then, you might have fun watching this dramedy. Now, if you're Lonely Boy and you enjoy both food and the media, you'll like it!

So I digressed quite a bit and told you about what inspired this blog. Going back to the blog, my original intention was to make this a TV/Movie/Music critical review blog, but then I decided to make it more about everything this lonely boy likes/dislikes/does!!! Self-centric much? It's 2010 and my resolution is to be a bit more daring. Open up a little. Talk, er-blog! Become more "connected" to people and less "disconnnected". This year, I'm intent on finding someone as well. So I got active on this personals website yesterday. So far, someone added me on MSN, chatted a bit, said they had to go take a shower and that they'll be right back (BrB in internetese!). This was yesterday; they never came back. Must be really dirty or forgot to add "I like extremely long showers" to their profile.

We'll see how this goes. I promised myself to attempt posting at least once a day. Please come back and check on what I'm watching, listening to, eating or reading and what I think about it. Will I enjoy this Sunday's Desperate Housewives? Will I like this guava I just bit into? Did I like Britney's threesome song? What did I think of Gossip Girl's threesome episode? How hot was Megan Fox in Jennifer's body? Am I happy Pratt was fired from All My Children? How will my experiment go on Monday? Will I ever finish reading War and Peace (probably not!)? And most importantly will I connect with someone, find "true love" and no longer be Lonely Boy? Stay posted!

-off to harass OKteChy22 on that personals website! Got a cute pic!

                                                                  ^this is a guava!

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