Thursday, January 7, 2010

A heartfelt letter to president Obama

Dear Mr. President Obama,

News surfaced today that the whitehouse is considering scheduling the State of the Union speech on either Jan. 26th or Feb. 2nd. Deciding to give the speech on the latter (Feb. 2nd) will crush the hearts of millions of people. I, myself, might  go almonds, peanuts, walnuts, Brazil nuts, macademias, and hazelnuts, in short nuts with a capital N. I have a valid reaon Mr. President, I do. You see, Lost is scheduled to premiere on Feb. 2nd and if you decide to give your speech that night, the show will be bumped. And all the Losties will be bummed. Please, please, pretty please pick any other night.  Jan. 26th means American Idol won't be able to air a new episode, but it's the auditions phase. Fans will understand. It's not like the fate of Simon or Randi or that new judge whose name few can remember was left hanging on the line in AI's finale last season! (We know Paula was "killed off" and a new  "character" will surface on AI. The new "character" is called Ellen and she's supposed to be a lesbian. Odd thing about Lost Mr. President is that there aren't any gay characters on the show. There was once a character who could have been a perfect angry lesbian. Her name was Anna Lucia, she was killed off. She is supposed to resurface on the show this season. Do you think Paula wil resurface on AI Mr. President? Maybe she and Ellen can make out on the show. It would air during sweeps and would signal the end of AI.)

So dear Mr. President, please don't crush my heart. Don't you want to watch the show? Oh, right, there aren't any major African American characters on the show anymore. Wow, this show lacks two major outspoken population groups, gay people and African Americans. Guess they're only after the straight white male demo. Ah, well. I can live with that. I understand the importance of your speech Mr. President, but can't we hear about healthcare reform, scary terrorism plots and border safety on any other night? You must know Mr. President, your recycle your storylines more than a soap!

Oh, and by the way Mr. President, OKteChy22 wants to go out on a date! Lonely Boy has a date on Saturday. Woo-hoo! Speaking of Saturdays, why don't you give all your speechs on that night from now on? Nothing major airs on Saturdays. [It's TV's wasteland of the week. No one watches anything on Saturdays, but let's not tell the president this fact.]

I'm attaching two Lost posters that are supposed to hold many clues. Perhaps I can lure you with that. They're called the Lost Supper. Why two posters? Why the missing characters? What do the skeletons mean?Why are they all gazing at Locke in the first one? I have my theories, what are yours?

Alright, thank you for reading this Mr. President.
Please say hi to Michelle.
Tell her to try the guava cake from yesterday's blog.

Lonely Boy.
P.S. You can click on the pictures to enlarge them.

Lost Supper v. 1.0

Lost Supper v. 2.0

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