Tuesday, January 5, 2010

On failed experiments and Lady Gaga!

It's been almost two days since I asked OKteChy22 out on a date via email. Still no response! Guess this Lonely Boy is bound to be lonely. I'm looking at it as a failed experiment. That's the lab rat in me speaking. In case you hadn't guessed from my previous blogs, yes, I'm a lab rat. What is a lab rat? Here's one definition from Urban Dictionary:

"Lab rat: someone who is addicted to being in lab, constantly running experiments, and can't stop to go home even though they know that it's healthy to maintain a personal life because they find themselves chained to their experiments through an obessive personality type."

Yep that's me!

As for the personal life thing, I'm trying. So far, that experiment has not worked out! You know whose experiments never fail? Lady Gaga's! Her experiments in fashion are so bizarre, they can never really fail. If they failed, how could one tell?  Here are my top 5 favorite Lady Gaga fashions of 2009:

5- Saturday Night Live appearance: not only did she almost kiss Madona, she was atomic! She was da bomb!

4-Kermit the frog dress: it's no longer Sesame street, it's sex-me street (if frogs turn you on that is)! Kermit's reaction to this dress: I had no idea I had so many look-alikes/my mom was a quadzilimom, TLC should have given her a show!/GAGAuella killed all my siblings to make  this dress. Wanna buy the movie rights Disney?

3-The bubbles dress: I would like to see Sarah Palin in this dress...Outside....In Alaska...During winter! Hello Russians I can see from my house!

2-Gaga at the VMAs: forget any fake stunts MTV tried to pull off! Boys and gals, do NOT attempt this at home.

1-Lady Gaga meeting the Queen of Britain herself! Wow Gaga, wearing that? That takes balls (being sarcastic here and alluding to the "rumor" Lady Gee is a transexual. Seriously Lady Gaga I don't care if you are, I am a fan. Just having some fun at your expense. You can pull off a Britney and prove to the world you're no tranny...if you care.)

Alright that's today's blog. I have to work on a presentation now! Please check in tomorrow. I'll share my guava cake recipe and let you know of my internet dating attempts! Later fellas.

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